When you’ve invested thousands of dollars in tyres for your harvester, it makes sense to protect them from wear. Driving over stubble is the leading cause – it’ll wear down tyres 40% faster than folded over stubble.
The solution is stubble mats.
You’ll quickly discover the mats not only reduce wear but also downtime. With fewer flats and leaks to repair during your busy seeding and harvesting seasons, you’ll spend more time in the cab and less time maintaining.
Stubble mats have the added benefit of creating firebreaks on both sides of your windrows.
Choose your stubble mats carefully. A poor-quality mat can cause significant damage to a harvester or contamination.
A good stubble mat makes allowances for uneven ground installed to avoid the mat getting caught under the tyre preventing machinery damage. Poor quality mats often contain metal mesh which can be a fire hazard and contaminate the soil.
Conquest stubble mats are made from high quality 20mm thick rubber that can be lowered as the edges wear. The removable inserts for single, dual or triple-tyre machines are easily mounted on the broad elevator, hydraulic rams or chassis on tractors. Simply feed through surplus mat from the top as they wear and once the mat has worn away, use our easy to fit, cost effective replacement mats.
A good stubble mat makes allowances for uneven ground and can be installed to avoid the mat getting caught under the tyre to prevent machinery damage.
The thick rubber mats provide the weight needed to knock over any stubble without the need for snag-prone crossbars.
Bolting the assembly onto your broad elevator, hydraulic rams or chassis is quick and easy.
Fabric weave extends mat life without causing metal
contamination or paddock fire risks.
When the bottom edge wears off, simply feed surplus mat from the top and lock it in place.
Available in three sizes – single dual or triple wheel – the feeder bars are easily removed for convenient storage and transport.
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